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20 May

Confidence or how to be yourself?

Confidence or how to be yourself?

Feeling of confidence is a fundamental factor for the formation of the personality. I believe that it is an interpersonal quality and the self-belief comes together with love and acceptance. Being true to yourself and maturity of qualities create invisible aura that the other people can feel. In fact, the beauty is mainly associated with the confidence. Majority of the men get attracted to the confident woman disregarding other features. This aspect becomes the core of the relationship in future. With the increasing role of woman in the society both men and woman are searching for a partner – confident, true, trustworthy and positive.

So, today I would like to share the main characteristics of the confident woman. They are the results of my parents knowledge combined with my personal experience. By sharing this information, I believe that you will be able to apply it daily and improve your life to the desired level. The accumulation of emotions throughout the day will affect your mood. Therefore, the most important factor is to always be cheerful, irradiate goodness and have a positive vibes. It is vital not to judge, criticize, envy, argue or feel aggravated. This is also important due to the fact that everyone, who you meet or interact with, feels your emotions and accordingly responds to it.

Knowing your emotional needs and be able to satisfy them will contribute to the level of your confidence.  That can be anything that interests you, brings you positive emotions and makes you happy. For me it is dancing and singing, travelling and driving. You should also learn to relax and let it go. It means not to worry about things in your head; thinking and over thinking again and again will not lead to any good. The only person who you can control, change and accept is you. The other people are living their lives the best they can and it is not in our hands to transform them. In order to let go I usually forgive people or let the situation go in my heart by blessing it and replacing the though with something pleasant (white rose) as well as keeping myself busy really helps too.

You should also try not to react to other peoples’ emotions. I mean if somebody is in the bad mood, shouting or being rude to you. He/she disrespects himself/herself by lacking the maturity and control over the emotions. I would recommend not respondingto those people who try to manipulate you. It is important to accept, forgive and forget easily your own and others mistakes. As well as certainly know the direction where to go and understand what kind of the relationships you want to have. The more precisely to know what you want and imagine it, the sooner and better the outcomes will be. In addition it is important to take rejections easily and not let disappointment, anxiety and frustration to your mind and/or heart. I practice absence of expectations and believe and rely on myself. Laughing and crying whenever I feel like and not suppressing the emotions helps me to balance my state of mind.  

In order to understand yourself as unique individual, it is important to know your strength and weaknesses. For those who still do not know I would recommend StrengthFinder from Don Clifton by Gallup: It is important to value and use the strong characteristics as well as to respect the weak points of your character. Find your talents and start realizing it into life, feel the harmony with your body and spirit. As well as to be aware of your limits and protect well your personal borders.

To sum up, confident person loves to be alone and easily can find what to do and attracts attention when wanted. Ability to plan, succeed, prioritize, flexibility in communication and decision making, stress resistance, curiosity, passion for studies are the main characteristics of integrity. It is also important to actively listen to others with sympathy and without taking the negative on yourself. Having your personal internal value list and certain knowledge what is right and wrong will bring success to your life. Be confident, be yourself, be happy!

Thanks for reading me

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