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19 Apr


About Us

This blog is a private space called LEN LEN Style, which is created and maintained by me (Elena Taranina) and my wonderful Lenlendiamond Team.

Decorated with some of my favorite fashion, travel and food destinations, LENLEN Style is a hot insider guide for hip globe-trotting, restaurant-hopping, fashion lovers and voyeurs alike. In addition we have launched the Lenlendiamond store that has currently 1 product with multiple variations – Frames for your Apple watch (please check it out in the store section).

The main credit goes to my mother, who I have inherent sense of style at a young age, “even if you are taking out the garbage, dress your best, you never know who you might meet”  would be the words of my mother when I was planning to go out. She was a stylish woman despite living in the time, when it was almost impossible in communism reality to purchase designer cloth.

A love for fashion and good style is developing with me through ages, I believe. When at the age of 16 I have relocated to Geneva for boarding school and later graduated with MBA I have discovered the passion for fashion travel. I am thankful that today I live the life of my dream between New York, Geneva, Zurich, Paris, and London in discovering new fashion trends and applying these to my own wardrobe and everyday style.

This blog was created with the purpose of serving those of you, who just starting their journey in finding out what is your style and hopefully you will learn fashion tricks here. For example: how to mix clothes and accessories from vintage pieces to current collections. In addition to sharing  some great fashion insights, expect to read  tips on the best hair salons, spas, hotels, restaurants and night spots plus culture indulgences from art openings to new ballet shows here.

I hope you will enjoy the island of LEN LEN Style and it will be useful in the journey of finding your own style.

Thank you,

Much love and style

Yours LenLen

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