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26 Aug

5 tips on how to buy a new cloth without wasting money

5 tips on how to buy a new cloth without wasting money

Dear Readers,

The summer is slowly approaching to its end and generously gifts us the harvest – fruits, vegetables, flowers, etc. It is also the peak time of marriages, outdoor events, and festivals. As well as most holidays are getting over and it is time to prepare children to go back to studies and parents to get back to work. The weather is changing and it is starting to get cooler in the evenings. Feeling of change is really obvious and with the sip of fresh cool air, you recognize it. This is a perfect time to start adding warmer cloth to your wardrobe.

As we all love to have something new every season. Today, based on various stylist schools and fashion houses approach, I would like to talk about the main 5 principles that in case of usage, will help you to form your wardrobe smartly, when buying new things. That will avoid wasting money on personal shoppers and/or emotional purchases.

First of all, before buying something new, I would suggest you to get rid of the things that do not suit you anymore in terms of size, are old and for any other reason you do not like them anymore. There is a universal rule that when you let something go, you will definitely get something better. You can donate your cloth in special places, give it to your relatives and/or friends or just throw it away – it is really up to your choice. However, you should do it with the gratitude and respect as it has been serving you all this time and has been a great part of your life. This is the core rule and its execution is obligatory. In case you cannot say goodbye to some of the things than the time has not come yet and you can just renovate it and add something new to the existing pieces of cloth. For those who can, it will help to retain the wardrobe of the same size and will make you think several times before making a buying decision. Therefore, remember always to buy only what you really need! There is a saying – “Measure seven times, cut once”. That means one step at a time. You might regret the purchase in case you buy something wrong and you have to throw away something from your closet.

Secondly, do the research and determine the “wearability” of an item. So before making a choice, it is important to estimate the gains. For example, you are searching for the shoes and the branded shoes are expensive. However, taking into the consideration the intensity of how often and for how long you will wear them, buying luxurious is more a wise decision in the long-term period. Due to the fact that cheap shoes usually last maximum a season in case of luck. Moreover, shoes and bags are core elements that should be comfortable and chic. It is vital to consider the “wearability of a thing” – the real value of the object. The formula is the following: how much time (in days) approximately you used to wear the same thing before and divide the value of the thing for this period.
The third and my favorite principle is to choose quality over quantity! I would highly suggest you make the inventory list of the items you have and do not be surprised. In this case, more is not better. Before making a decision, first, think of how effectively the new article can be combined with the clothes that you already have in your possession. The main rule of any stylist: a new thing (accessory or cloth) should fit well with at least 3 existing things in the wardrobe. That way you will save the space and get more reasonable attire.

Another key point is to buy only your size and shape or bigger cloth. Tide clothes have not complimented anyone and it causes discomfort to your body and mind. Please remember, that even if you have fallen immediately in love with an item and it is too small or vice versa, just take a break till tomorrow and think. The main focus should be on items that emphasize your strength rather than pointing out your weaknesses. Imaginings how this skirt will look on you when you lose weight and/or will lose weight after pregnancy is just dreams today. As well is it is unpractical to store the cloth just in case. The update should fit you in the present instead of future/past.

The last, but not least is to forget about uncomfortable clothes or shoes. Sometimes we tend to forget about the ease for the sake of beauty and fashion. I love fashion and I am sure you do since it inspires us to experiment! However, from a practical point of view, it is disadvantageous to focus only on the visual effect of the things that you acquire. I suggest combining convenience and beauty. In case you are filling uncomfortable – like itchy, tight, and painful or anything else you should understand that in real life it will be the same and most likely you will not wear it often or at all. I advice to carefully listen to yourself and answer the question – will I be comfortable wearing it every day?

“Golden Autumn”, the end of August and the first week of September – is one of my favorite times, where bright sun is combined with cool fresh air and the feelings of joy and peace enter your heart. I wish you to enjoy the weather and life, experience this mindset and make smart decisions!

Thanks for reading me

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